Saturday 10 March 2012

Irish Constitution is a New Born Baby

This blog tonight is in response to my brother who lives in England. My brother is a committed Capitalist. Believes in the freedom of anyone to make money in any way as long as they are not involved in crime under present legislation. I repeat that. Under present legislation. If I were a legislator being a Billionaire would be a very serious crime. So long as a Child in any hospital in Ireland was/is in danger of serious injury or death because of lack of funding then Billionairism was responsible directly for that child's death or injury. So each and every Billionaire in my opinion is no different than any other Criminal on the streets of Dublin, Cork, Galway, Belfast. And is responsible personally for each and every crime created because of poverty.

I want to explain why I called this blog a New Born Baby. I have personal experience of new born babies who were struggling for life when they were born. I have a 24 year old child who beat the odds. But my main point in writing this blog tonight is to emphasise that we Irish people claim to be Educated. We whinge because our kids are being exported to Canada Australia! When I spoke to my brother today we differed in opinion. He is a capitalist and I'm a committed Socialist. He earns like €000000 and I sponge off the state cos I can't work cos I'm a bit ill.
To be continued!