Friday 21 September 2012

A Child and the Constitution

OK. All you people are coming back and think that's great. Nice reading or listening. I worked in a place called Muckamore Abbey hospital about half a centuary ago. Not great. Much love needed. Much love given. Today we as a people must give love. I have referred to a word: Constitution. Now I am going to give words. Derivatives. Hope I spelt it right. Commodities. Ok I'll do a spell check. Stocks. Not sheep or Cows. Wealth. So many people think they are wealthy. Until they hear 8 billion. One human being having $8 billion. On the collapse in September 2007 two decsendants of Irish people committed suicide because they lost 15 billion dollars between them.

My experience of life has demanded of me a discipline. I have eight children. I have eight grand children. I have had the experience o f attending many, many births. The constitution I talk about above is about one child.