Monday, 7 September 2009

Call a spade the truth.

I've been mulling over this idea of blogging for a couple of years. Just I've been frightened of the more technical side of computers and the Internet. My purpose is in my name. Manifesto. Why should political parties have the right to write a manifesto of their policies? The best manifesto that will ever be written will come from the Letters page of a country's newspapers. The strength of feeling I have of justice may come from my scales of justice horoscope Libra or possibly the life experience that was difficult at times. What I will use this blog for will always be justice. Words are important. Theft. Such an important word. If a young shop assistant tucks into the till and takes €£127 out of the till and runs to the local bookies to stick it on the 3.40 at Brighton in the hope they will come back with three times that amount, is that theft? Of course it is. Is it a crime? Of course it is.

If a bank executive from Donegal in Ireland takes €127 million from his bank without informing his shareholders and invests it in Golf Courses in Europe is that Theft? Of course it is. The shop assistant has been prosecuted and will never get a job of trust again. The top banker who stole the €127 million has not been interviewed by police. The media have widely published the name of the banker who stole the €127 million from the bank. The Government of Ireland are well known to be part of the €127 million theft. The media in Ireland know the names of the eleven Government insiders and developers involved in serious crime in Ireland.

I was going to have an overview and an introduction to this blog. But I just did. Now I'm going to put headings to it. Well Manifesto is so obvious. I believe I have the perfect manifesto (eg policy document) to solve all the political, social, human, and every day problems of the human race in and on the British Isles. And like a manifesto I will lay it out in Government Departments. The office of Prime Minister or Taoiseach in Ireland. The Dept of Finance or Treasury Department in the UK. So that I will not bore the reader or joint fellow blogger I will now explain where my idea has come from. I worked in a shipyard in Wyalla South Australia over 40 years ago. The shipyard had a policy of close contact and respect for their workers. They had a Suggestion Box at the entrance and exit to the workers place of work. They encouraged their workers to contribute to the well being of the company and rewarded those who suggested ways that would enhance either the company's benefit or the workers benefit. One man (and no women were employed outside the office and administration area) lodged a suggestion for a beam to be inserted within the bow of a ship. This worker, who was a qualified engineer received a quarter million $AU bonus from the owners of the yard because it allowed their ships to carry 25% more merchandise than before. Each citizen is capable of putting forward a proposal that could save this country so much misery and poverty. But the very system of government closes out all communication from our citizens. The media conspire with the government in a cosy relationship because they have elevated themselves to well above middle class earners and often to celebrity status. Anyhow I will set out my manifesto and it starts with the amazing suggestion of the abolition of the UK Parliament and the Irish Parliament (An Dail). The slowest, most undemocratic and unjust system of democracy on earth. And the Dail is simply the child of the Commons.

My Departments: Government Departments would not differ too much on the present governmental systems in England, Scotland, N.Ireland Wales and the Republic of Ireland. But there would be some changes and these would be citizen friendly.

Head of State: Queen of England is a good investment for tourism etc. She should be an employee and servant but perhaps given more power as this falsehood of power but carrying out the wishes of the Prime Minister is ludicrous. For future years the Queen should be head of the upper house or second Chamber. She should head a school of knowledge to thoroughly examine law and legislation. Her present role and privileges would continue except for the vast costs of the Royal Family which will be reduced by 80% over the next twenty years. Her role would be compared to the President of Ireland who for instance can summon a council of state to over-rule or examine legislation or certain actions of the Irish government. In Ireland I recommend a reduction in the cost of the office of President of Ireland of 40% over the next twenty years.

Prime Minister/Taoiseach/First Ministers: If these posts in government had been given full powers to, at certain times, order emergency legislation in the British Isles I believe hundreds if not thousands of citizens lives may have been saved over the past ten to fifteen years. I am not suggesting emergency powers! But emergency legislation. Knife crime came upon us like a plague almost overnight in 2004. This is 2009 and not one effective remedy has been introduced since the knife epidemic. This subject will come up in my other departments, such as justice, social care, education, children and prisons. And yes there should be an accountable minister for each of those named departments. But the power for the Prime Minister to call parliament at midnight on any night including Christmas night to implement emergency legislation for situations such as knife crime where hundreds of people have suffered death and serious injury is absolutely essential on these Islands. My plan is that such legislation would come into effect immediately and for example perhaps retrospectively for the purpose of saving citizens lives.

But that legislation would then go through the normal procedure of parliament or Dail etc and those convicted would then be allowed a review of their conviction. It's not any different to the appeal system we already have, except that knife carriers, rapists, murderers, and those involved in violent crime would have to wait on parliament rather than the people, the citizens of this country waiting on them returning from their bail release to murder, rape or stab again.

Finance Ministry: I would hope the policy in this paragraph of my blog would become Government Policy in 2010. Ireland as I write this is facing economic meltdown. The government of Fianna Fail and the Green party have been desperately responding by trying to hold on to the status quo of tired old western capitalism. Keep the 7% multi rich in control of western country's societies, multi billionaire gambling casinos (Stock Exchanges), multi trillionaire money brothels (Banks), multi-millionaire Government Ministers, Government Departments political friends and political expenses. Corruption vomiting out of every part of our society where there is more than €75,000 income to be made per annum. This is endemic in Ireland but is also pumping through the veins of British Society, obviously so publicly laid out in the theft of money from the public in what is described as the "Expenses Scandal" in the British House of Commons. I need to concentrate on the last 18 months of Government in Ireland. The Irish Government (who's parliament sometimes works two days per week.) Yes I said sometimes. I write this blog on 22nd October 2009. Within a few days Ireland will take on the largest ever loan by any individual, any company, any Government, any country on earth, ever in history!!! To protect the system. To protect themselves from being caught. €77,000,000,000. Yes €77 billion. The Republic of Ireland has a population of less than 4 million people. In the last year their unemployment has reached half a million. In 2004 The Republic of Ireland was declared the richest country on earth with USA and Japan 2nd and 3rd per population Capita. The "Celtic Tiger", a wealth phenomena in Ireland created Irish Trillionaires, Billionaires, and Millionaires like a Smarties factory. Problem is it was created from the building industry in Ireland. Now there are 300,000 houses lying half built all over Ireland. My opinion and a fact that is a little obvious is that politicians in Ireland created this false economy. They forgot an obvious household rule. Mam and Dad should always save for a gloomy day. Well the two people in charge of the Irish household were Bertie Ahern and Brian Cowen. During their duty as managers of Ireland earned thousands of billions of Euros, Dollars and Pounds. They forgot the piggy bank. Now the Irish Government has appointed a series of fall guys (McCarthy etc) to suggest how to get out of billions of debt they have created. (I'll bore you later with McCarthy). Every time the Irish Government make a mistake they set up a committee to protect them from blame. Or a Tribunal which normally lasts longer than either the accused, the tribunal or the population who suffered the mistake, corruption or crime the government has been involved in. They say Italy is the most corrupt country on earth. No. They would be if it weren't for the cute hooore Irish politician who has a secret called "a nod and a wink"!

This part of my manifesto will become the bedrock of the future of these islands. But now and then I will drift into minor things like grocery prices and fraud. Wages and fraud (by the wealthy). There is no other kind of fraud. One of the recent utterings of a government minister in Ireland, Mary Hanifin TD was that people should inform on their neighbours if they suspected they were obtaining Welfare Payments fraudulently! Now how many different ways could one defraud welfare? Be working and claiming? Yes. And be an epileptic who can't find normal work because of their condition but are found work for rehabilitative purposes. Maybe they have cancer. Maybe a psychiatric condition. What other types of fraud of welfare payments are there? Having babies for €160 a month!! (Child benefit). About €40 less than the average tip given to the Government Ministers Chauffeur! Now perhaps the trade union movement could pick up on my manifesto suggestions to counter this attack by the Irish Government on the sick, poor, elderly, handicapped and unemployed. Social Welfare recipients should go out every day and as they are unlikely to find a job they should take a little notebook and pen and seek out rich people. Rich people don't pay tax in Ireland. I'll say that again. Rich people don't pay tax in Ireland. I know that because an Irish accountant told me so. He was my accountant when I had a business there. Poor people pay tax. Rich people pay their accountant. There are 33,000 (thirty three thousand) millionaires in Ireland. They all have accountants. Most don't pay tax. Now we'll go back to our dole persons with their notebooks. There are half a million of them. Their task is to find as many millionaires and billionaires as possible. The best way to start is to find motor vehicles valued at more than €50k. Stand outside certain clubs, industrial complexes, gas and oil fields, banks and finance companies. They are everywhere! Collect as much information as possible about these people and send letters to the revenue commissioners and the police etc. Ask the tax authorities what tax they are paying. Leave no hiding place for the rich. Social Welfare recipients have the right to know whether the rich are paying their taxes. They have the right to know how much the rich are earning and paying in tax. Why? Because the government publish the income of Social Welfare recipients: €204 weekly. Mary Hannifin is rich. So I want to know how much she earns and pays in tax. How much in State Benefits? How much expenses she's claimed in the last ten years and what for. I am calling on the trade union movement and all half million unemployed social welfare recipients in Ireland to inform on all rich people in Ireland. Lift the phone and talk to the Revenue Commissioners. Ask questions. Give information. I visited a farm a month ago worth about €5 million. Two Mercs. One Bentley and three other "wealthy cars". They say there is a rodent in the UK for every human being living there. (67 million rats) A rat each! Well 0.5 million unemployed people in Ireland have 33,000 millionaires between them. Is that about one millionaire between every 150 unemployed people? Maths was never a strong point with me. But it must make the half million unemployed in Ireland feel a little less poor to think that every 150 of them have their own personal millionaire! That don't even have to pay tax. Better than a rat each! Eh?

Pat Kenny had a bit of a shock on his Monday night Frontline show the other night on RTE Television. If the guy had not ranted and raved and got thrown off the set by security it might have got picked up by the public that Pat earns three times the wage of President Obama. Hey Pat should be able to fill a wheel barrow full of €50 notes and toddle down to Brian Cowen in the Dail so we can get this €4 billion paid off the banks, developers, and wealthy peoples mistakes (Fraud) of the last few years.

Funny how the police in Ireland didn't go into the banks when all the fraud was found out in September 2008. After all the crimes were spread all over the media for seven months. Names named too. But then none of the suspects had a bald tyre or were 5 mph over the speed limit. They only ran off with billions of this countries money. And they had to be called in by the government! Lots of criminals actually report their crimes to the law. To cover their tracks.