Friday, 10 June 2011

My Nomination for President of Ireland

If I had a say in the nomination for President of Ireland I would nominate a man. My man would have a wife and six children, be unemployed and perhaps have a disability, such as depression. He would live in a council house (obviously) with little or no facilities in his estate. At least one of his children would be educationally or otherwise disadvantaged. My nomination would have been a hard worker, a pillar of his community, a good father and husband. My choice for the Aras now represents 450,000 adults in Ireland who are unemployed. Also thier wives, thier children and perhaps thier mums and dads or grand parents and grand children. So my nomination for President statistically already represents two million people in Ireland four months before the election. So he has the election won.

Now to get my man nominated I need to get the consent of four County Councils, or twenty TD's or Senators. But my nominee doesn't know anyone who earns €100,000 or above a year. And all those County Councillours and TD's and Senators don't want to know my man. When my man has an emergency he sometimes would go to St. Vincent De Paul. But expenses for the Presidential elections are not counted as an emergency by St Vincent De Paul.

Barak Obama told us of a different way to become the representative of a country. The American dream. Not any one can become  the President of Ireland. Anyone can become the President of America. Only the wealthy or the representatives of the wealthy will become the President of Ireland. I hope Mary Robinson and Mary McAleese will bring this fact to the attention of the Irish people before the Presidential election in October 2011.