Sunday, 24 April 2011

Time to Leave the European Union

The European Union is fast becoming an abject failure. And Ireland must prepare for withdrawal immediately. It will take up to five years to process the escape as we will have to disengage financially and legally. We will also have to create new trade partners throughout the world. Perhaps we will have a good start by having countries like Spain, Italy, Finland, Portugal, Austria and Greece following us out of the Big Club. The European Community was an excellent idea in 1972. This is not 1972 and we are not in a nine state economic unit. We are in a twenty seven state monstrosity of dishevelled nations with a two state dictatorship of Germany and France. With Britain calling the shots even though they are 30% partners.

In 1972 China was an impoverished Communist State who wouldn't have had dealings with Ireland or the EC for ideological reasons. In 2011 if Ireland were willing to trade with China we could do without the other 26 EU states. Our new trade partners should be China, India, Pakistan and the USA as well as Norway and other states on the periphery of Europe. Russia, Turkey etc. The world has changed economically, socially and technologically since the 1972 Treaty.

Ireland has in the last ten years suffered drastically because of our EU membership. We have had one of our greatest economic assets, our vast expanse of seas around our Island state destroyed. Our fishing industry has simply been stolen from us as a nation and handed to Spain's factory fishing industry. Our agricultural industry has been decimated by EU regulations and basically handed over to the Polish. Ireland's main produce if it were on it's own is agriculture. But our farmers are being paid NOT to produce! Our government is banned from subsidising agriculture and industry by EU regulations. Replacing all this potential entrepreneurship with multi billion pound gambling casinos of hedge funds and stock exchanges trading or gambling on the misery of other country's financial woes. Ireland has the potential to feed its own people, to house its own people, to heat it's populations homes. It already has one of the highest export records within Europe and if outside the EU could develop real export industries such as food. Ninety per cent of our land is not utilised and lies barren.

Ireland has the potential to become one of the largest exporters of food in the world per capita. Take the example of Spain and it's factory fishing. Ireland should start a monolithic factory farming industry with one thousand agricultural factories involved in the production of potatoes, chilled and frozen foods, canned foods. Cattle, poultry, sheep, and every crop possible can be grown in our little country. We must take back our fishing industry by imposing a twenty mile fishing zone around this island, except where we share the zone with the UK. We could build a fishing fleet that would again provide tens of thousands of jobs on and off shore. But our government are restrained by EU regulations from subsidising such initiatives. Yet we have a potential customer base of about 4.5 billion people around the world who are well disposed to Ireland. The EC was created to promote trade with our partners in Europe in 1972. Now it is suppressing our trade by silly rules inside and outside Europe. This country could create hundreds of thousands of jobs for it's people. Just by utilising the potential it already has as a country. The EU is stifling this potential whilst at the same giving a "bailout" at 7% and raking in billions from an artificial economy created by the European Central Bank.

It's time for a new club Europe. Join with Ireland and lets go see our true friends round the world. In the east, the west, the south, the north. Greece, Portugal, Italy. Iceland you stood up to them so come join Ireland and create the potential for our countries to find a place and stand alone on this earth. Our peoples have the potential if we can cast away the shackles of Europe.