The vast amount of money involved in banking transactions in Ireland and on the international exchanges accross the world has meant that we, the Irish people must reward our bankers lucratively. Basically millions and tens of millions of euros. Time to question the banks? Right. Department of Social Welfare, Dublin. Per Capita the largest single institution in Europe handling financial transactions on a weekly basis. Almost half a million people weekly are paid unemployment benifit since the recession in 2006. All residents in Ireland are entitled to some kind of Social Welfare benifit. Pensions, Child Benifit, Supplementary Benifit and on and on and on. The only financial institution in Ireland not affected by the recession: Credit Union. A not for Profit institution.
I, Toni Manifesto propose that all financial institutions in the Republic of Ireland should be Nationalised. But not in that Venezuala or Cuba type takeover. Actually maybe more extreme in one way and more sensible in some peoples opinion. The argument by the banks that they handle such vast amounts of money in hugely complex international transactions means that they must compete with the international markets and must pay thier executives and managers international rates that we Irish people cannot afford. Irish Banks are lazy banks. We do need rid of them. I have a solution. The Department of Social Welfare, the largest institution in Ireland expending cash to the Irish population must come together with the most successful group of financial ionstitutions, the Credit Unions of Ireland. Anglo Irish Bank, Allied Irish Bank, and Bank of Ireland as well as Permanent TSB and all ancillary financial groups must be taken over as Government Agencies. If there can be financial wizards within the banking system because of the vast financial transactions then there are financial controllers in the Department of Finance, Department of Social Welfare etc who can match those wizards. If not, get them.
The final solution to all those greed created problems that has collapsed the Irish economy is this: A group of Finance experts made up of Social Welfare financial Experts would join together with a committee of Credit Union Accountants to take control of all financial institutions in Ireland. The Credit Union would play the major part in the banking part. The Department of Social Welfare would regulate the new institutions. All buildings and land assetts belonging to banks would be sold to pay off the countrys deficit. All banking facilities would be transferred to social welfare offices and Credit union offices. The word bank would look for a new name. Like Human.