Thursday, 1 July 2010

€2.2 million for two days work. Get a law degree in Ireland Kapello.

People have been complaining about England's World Cup performance and their manager's and players wages. Well take a look at RTE's News Headlines tonight at a Judgement on legal fees for two barristers and two solicitors for two days work. The Taxing Master of Dublins High Court said he was disgusted at the fees demanded for a case taken five years ago. The legal team charged €2.2 million for a case which lasted two days in court. Fabio Kappelo may just forget about that England job. Get a law degree in Dublin and you can rip everyone and anyone off!!

Taxing Master Charles Moran reduced the Lawyers fees by 82% from almost €2.2 million to €393 thousand. Mr Moran said he was disgusted and bewildered at the level of the claim from the Lawyers. All Irish Legal fees need to be reduced by 82%.

An open letter to Kenneth Clarke MP, Justice Minister UK

30th June 2010

Dear Mr Clarke,

I refer to your speech at Kings College London today regarding prisons policy. Firstly, I want to congratulate you on your appointment as Justice Minister in the new Government. I am strongly opposed to your party and most of its policies. I regard myself as a socialist and find billionaires, banks and the rich as an obnoxious cancer in our society. However going back many, many years ago you were the only face of Tory-ism I ever found acceptable. You may think I am going to exclaim a tirade of abuse or heap praise on the Conservative change in policy relating to Prisoners and Crime. In fact I am going to better your new policy in favour of reducing the prison population by 60,000 in one fell swoop. Those who favour throwing more criminals in jail will agree with my policy and those who feel prison is a wrong method of criminal justice will also agree with my proposals. But more important, I will be switching the responsibility for re-offending away from the government, away from the prisons, away from the police. Prisoners under my scheme would take responsibility for their own detention. They would be given a choice en masse whether to get the key of the front gate of the prison.

My proposal in response to your claim that prison doesn’t work is to announce a General Amnesty for all prisoners in the United Kingdom.

Now before people go ape I want all the people now incarcerated in prison to be offered an amnesty for their crime/s. Except for those involved in Violent Crime. Violence includes Child Abuse and a lot of crimes that people may have felt were threatening. However the amnesty would be announced on the basis that all prisoners would be allowed to apply. Only people who apply would be given consideration. As an example, if this was open to the Moors Murderers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley in 2000. Brady would refuse to apply and would also not be eligible on the grounds that he is diagnosed as insane. Hindley would be entitled to apply as her actual life sentence was served by 2000. Thousands of people have been locked up in prison for not paying their TV Licence, for debts owed to Banks who have been shown to be involved in serious crime. Yet no prisoner is ever ask to share a cell with a banker! People find themselves in prison for ridiculous things like not paying speeding fines they didn’t know they had because they were abroad when they got the Summons.

Now Mr Clarke, here’s the catch. I’m a socialist but I’m not a sympathiser with criminals or their activities. This Amnesty has to satisfy those on both sides of the argument. So really I agree that we should not have 85,000 people in prison locked up in cells throughout the United Kingdom. You want to save the 3 billion that your supporters might have to pay if they don’t get the right accountant to keep those 85k people out of prison. I want you to reduce that cost so that you can increase the amount of money given to Paediatrics in our hospitals, Hospices, Handicapped etc. So the basics I propose are this: Every prisoner in the United Kingdom would be released on January 1st 2011. Those who would not be released would be those who had not applied, those convicted of murder, rape, child abuse, or any conviction for assault.

So if all those convicted of a violent crime were kept in prison and all those, including the alcoholics, drug addicts, schizophrenics and mentally ill, speed merchants, white collar criminals, debt defaulters, were released we would release 75% of our prisoners. But more important. Those who support banging up offenders in prison will get their day. If a prisoner applies for release under the Amnesty Act 2010 they will be given a Contract to Sign. They will agree that if they are convicted of a crime within 5 years of signing the Amnesty they will return to prison for a period twice that of their original sentence. However no one in the United Kingdom will ever be detained on the grounds of health or poverty.

Mr Clarke, the benefits of this Amnesty are huge. Every aspect of the policy is good for society, good for the poor where most prisoners communities originate, good for the wealthy who support your party. I ask you to give my proposal consideration. Most of the problems however, that created such a monstrosity of prison policy is the Parliamentary, Judicial and legal system in this country. The legislative system must be speeded up. Instant law should be created. Ten years for being found with a knife. Instant legislation. Now in one year this law would not be needed. Because people would stop carrying knives. So revert to the old law and carry on.

Thank you

Toni Manifesto