Thursday, 15 December 2011

RTE TV Licence

I'm looking for a TD to ask RTE Telivision/ Radio in the Dail how much they spend on advertising on the most stupid media exercise on the globe. The TV Licence. RTE are insulting the population of Ireland by the advertisement/s they currently have on a half hourly basis on all thier outlets. I suspect they spend twelve times more on the stupid, insulting advertisments than they ever expect to take in from the destitute suicidal population of Ireland. If I had a choice, buy a tin of baby food for my two month old baby or pay to watch the most anti poor broadcaster on earth, Radio Telifis Eirraenn. Well I will take the humane route and take my two month old baby to Mountjoy Gaol in Dublin because I cannot afford to pay the TV Licence.

Be Patriotic. Shop in the North.

Got a lot of stick on Twitter today for defending the poor, disabled, the old, blind, trolley ridden and unemployed. I am of the opinion that being a millionaire is morally wrong in Ireland today. And it should be considered a serious criminal offence. @scullybones on twitter profoundly disagrees. The other thing is Pat Kenny feels it is un-patriotic to shop in the foreign North. Well I think that it is un-patriotic to contribute to the starvation of your four children under five years old. In Dundalk. Particularly if one of your children is disabled and just escaped being abused by Brendan Howlin's chainsaw on DA for kids.