Monday, 28 June 2010

Bussing American Negroes, Tebbit on your bike, Apartheid, Hunt Gaffe.

That headline is a bit of a mouthful, deliberately. Norman Tebbit told the unemployed to get on thier bikes, forgetting they couldn't afford a bike! The USA used to take thier negroe citizens to work on the back of the bus. Then negroes stopped the buses. The Afrikkans created Aparthied. Nelson destroyed it with peace. Now Ian Smith (no not Rhodesia), (but)? Duncan reccomends all of these policies put together in the one cooking pot! All the lazy people of Britain who refuse to work will be moved to jobs. Thier houses will be closed down. They will get a new house, a new job. A new future. Until some Tory billionaire decides to do a runner with the profits like last week and yeterday and destroys the job, the house and the life of a man, a woman and four children. Now that couldn't happen, could it?

Well the Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt is a very well educated man. But he can't remember Hillsborough? How the police were found guilty of the deaths of 96 people? Surely he must have watched television over the past thirty years? Margret Thatcher destroying the coal mines and British industry in a revenge attack? Stealing the milk off 5 year old primary school children? No that would be too far back Mr Hunt. My problem is that if you cant remember Hillsborough, or have never seen the headlines, where have you been? I mean if Ian Duncan Smith declares al blacks, gypsies, and those living under £62.99 per week, as illegal immigrants and threatens to send them to Afghanistan, are you going to have amnesia and ask: Who is Duncan Thatcher? Norman Hunt? Adolf Tebbit? Ian Smith? Obviously you will then forget the good days too. Nelson Mandela. Tony Bair. David Trimble Martin McGuinnes Lord Saville. Eqaulity?

Or perhaps you are still with the Capitalist Dream of every Tory earning Fabio Kapello's wage? The six million dollar man!! Surely Jermey Thorpe you remember the six million Dollar man? All his bones were broken in his body and he was re-made with super bones, super body, super powers! You must remember that Jeremy. It was the best American series ever. Did I say Jeremy Thorpe? Who's he? I watched a litlle two year old sitting in the sun on the footpath the other day. She was trying to pick a liquirice allsort that someone had trampled into the ground to eat it. I was going to try to intervene. But her dad was in the garden. In Jeremy Hunt, David Cameron's day it wouldn't be welcome to help a child. You might be bussed, deported, sent to a good job in another area, or be assaulted by a dad that has lived the real life that Jeremy Hunt seems to have escaped.

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