Friday, 11 June 2010

Gaza v Israel

I worked in the Belfast Telegraph 1966 - 1968 as a copy boy. The build up of Arab nations against Israel led by Egypt, as a 16 year old, I thought was horrendous. I thought that surely Jordan, Syria, Egypt and their supporters would wipe Israel out. In fact I can remember in population terms I think there were three hundred million Arabs against one and a half million Jews. Not sure of the maths but someone will correct me. Just in terms of the odds then I felt a great pity of Israel.

Now I see Gaza and the West Bank. In the sixties it was a country fighting for it's survival. Today it is Israel doing what Adolf Hitler did to the jews in the thirties and forties. Israel are looking in the wrong mirror. The Israelie people must start looking in the right mirror. The threat to Israel does not come from Palestine. It comes from the world's population. Israel is open to attack because of it's Hitler like oppression of Gaza. In the past it could rely on world sympathy. Human beings can't support any kind of Nazi activity. Whether it comes from Jerusalem, Berlin or Tel Aviv. Release the One and a half million prisoners in your Gaza concentration camp Israel. You may actually lose a lot of Israeli lives doing that. But if you do not you will have to fight the rest of the world. And nuclear weapons will be useless in that situation.

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