Monday, 30 May 2011

Amnesty for all non violent prisoners

Will Alan Shatter spend another five years doing nothing with the Justice system? There is a quick fix solution to our jails problems. Amnesty for all non violent prisoners. EG those in prison for debts, not paying fines, no TV licence, minor traffic offences, mental health problems etc, etc. Any prisoner who has been involved in some kind of violence could apply for amnesty if they are in the final year of sentence. If it is agreed to release a prisoner with a history of violence and they are returned to prison they must serve their original sentence as well as the new one. Concurrent sentencing for crimes of violence must be abolished. The result of these policies would result in emptying the jails and at the same time making the streets safer from violent criminals. Basically violent criminals who persist in their criminal acts would inevitably stay in prison for life. Judge Michael Reilly, Inspector of Prisons could clear the government next year when he goes back again. And the Irish Government will save hundreds of millions in legal actions by prisoners. Some prisoner in Holland I think was awarded €300,000 yesterday for getting ants in his pants in a prison uniform. Get this amnesty going by the end of June Mr Shatter or you are in big trouble. 

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