Sunday, 17 July 2011

Why I'm picking on Billionaires

Some people on Twitter feel I've been unfair to billionaires by calling them Child Abusers. Well I'll explain my theory for everyone to peruse on Rupert Murdoch has put a bid of €11 billion euros on the purchase of BSkyB. To an average person in the UK or Ireland €110 for a babysitter would be expensive. That average person might be earning €1000 a week. So for the care of their precious children €110 a week is just loose change. To Rupert M and Son James £9.5 billion is loose change to play with the worlds media. To rule, to corrupt, to abuse everyone and anyone they choose. To influence governments, if not intimidate them. To hold powers over whole countries. To claim they have decided elections.

So if the Murdoch's are worth say €600 billion how can they be connected with child abuse? I won't even use the fact that News of the World abused Milly Dowler after her death. And probably Sarah Payne. And many other child victims of abduction, rape and murder. It will be revealed within some months that it may become even more gross than this. If it is possible for anything to be more gross than abusing a dead child. That may sound as though I'm picking on the worst abuses of billionaires from the last few weeks. But Ireland are reputed to have many multi billionaires, many billionaires, many multi millionaires, thousands of millionaires and hundreds of thousands of half millionaires. Lots of them on the run like child abuser priests. You see every child deprived of a class assistant in school because they have a disability has been abused by a billionaire. Because there should not be a billionaire on the Island of Ireland while a child with a disability exists on the Island of Ireland who cannot access all medical treatment, social services, Education and leisure activities free of charge. Billionaires are therfore (albeit indirectly in some cases) child abusers.

We do need to look at the fact that probably one of the biggest groups of multi billionaires are churches. The Pope heads the Roman Catholic church, a multi billion euro organisation who's pastime involves daily child abuse on a massive scale. And massive cover-up of it's activities on a global scale. Much of it emanating from Ireland. The Roman Catholic Church has so many billions or trillions that it has managed to set up it's own country called the Vatican. It has it's own army legalised and recognised by the entire world. Ambassadors who are appointed to every corner of the earth to encourage child sex abuse, protect it's member Cardinals and Bishops and demand Catholics in all countries throughout the world obey the Vatican's laws before their own countries laws. A gross form of international corruption. The Church of England is headed by another multi Billionaire, The Queen of England. The only person in the UK who is above British Law (check it out).
Tell you what I'm prepared to do. If Rupert Murdoch sets an example for all trillionaires, billionaires and millionaires and gives his €11 billion for BSkyB to children's charities I'll count him out of being a Child Abuser.

Something just as serious we should all remember. The security of any small country like Ireland is seriously compromised by the existence of multi billionaires like the Murdoch's. If as is rumoured The Murdoch's are in danger of arrest by the FBI and other police agencies throughout the world then they may have to use their Billions to find sanctuary in a small vulnerable country. Ireland?

The young rich man approached Jesus and ask how he could  contribute and maybe sponsor Our Lord's activities in promoting Christianity. Jesus replied, "Give your riches to the poor and follow me". John Magee, Cardinal Brady, Pope Benedict should follow me on Twitter or Blogger. I know a few things about children and poverty.

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