Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Value for Money? The €600,000k Banker

I've discussed this subject before, but with the banking and financial crisis in Ireland today and with Mr Noonan denying he can stop paying millions to bankers, I've decided to revert to how we value people in this society. Thinking about last weeks Children's Referendum, I thought, what would a class of 7 to 10 year old pupils reply if they were asked how important they felt certain people in our society were in their lives? Funny to hear Pat Kenny on RTE this morning saying that the only people who the media did not talk to in the Children's Referendum were children. In a referendum proposing to give a voice to Ireland's children. Pat addressed that issue by getting a very revealing interview with a 16 year old boy who is a foster child. Back to the class room. So the experiment I would love some primary school teacher to conduct is as follows:

Distribute to the class a list of careers and discuss what those people who carry out various jobs do. Ask the children to carefully consider the value of each person's job as it would apply to them as a child or to people in general. Perhaps instead of valuing the person or their job in money terms the class should attach a colour to each person. Gold for the most valuable person to a dark colour for the least useful person.  But money value could be used also. Here are my list of occupations:
Prime Minister (Taoiseach)
Lollipop man/lady
Refuse Collector
Sewer Worker
Foster Parent
Paediatric Nurse
Now teacher should ask the pupils to describe what they think each person does in their job and from one to ten what the most and least important jobs are. Also if there wasn't one of those people how much would it affect the community? For example what does a banker do? Answer: Count Money? What if the top banker wasn't there to count the money? Answer: he would get his workers to do it.
What does an Architect do? Answer: Draw houses. What does a Prime Minister do? He manages the country. And if he didn't turn up for work? His deputy would do it. What does a sewer worker do? Answer: A sewer worker makes sure that all the sewers which run beneath our cities, towns and villages work efficiently so that all our toilets flush properly. And if we didn't have sewer workers? Well all our toilets and sinks would overflow and flood our houses and streets and everyone would get diseases. We go down the list and compare the importance of each job. What does a Paediatric Nurse do? Save little babies lives. And a refuse collector? They empty our bins and keep our streets clean. What would happen if the refuse collectors and baby nurses didn't turn up for work? The refuse would cause disease and the babies would die.
So class, today I want you to write an essay about who are the most important  (No, most Valuable people) in your lives. So, who would you give the gold star to. Or pay the highest wage to? And of the last six of the sixteen people you have studied in this test choose the person you feel contributes least to society and you want to stand in the corner till they do better.
I am very serious about this experiment. And after it has been carried out in primary schools we should ask adults to take the test. Starting with 166 TD's in Dail Eireann. 

Friday, 21 September 2012

A Child and the Constitution

OK. All you people are coming back and think that's great. Nice reading or listening. I worked in a place called Muckamore Abbey hospital about half a centuary ago. Not great. Much love needed. Much love given. Today we as a people must give love. I have referred to a word: Constitution. Now I am going to give words. Derivatives. Hope I spelt it right. Commodities. Ok I'll do a spell check. Stocks. Not sheep or Cows. Wealth. So many people think they are wealthy. Until they hear 8 billion. One human being having $8 billion. On the collapse in September 2007 two decsendants of Irish people committed suicide because they lost 15 billion dollars between them.

My experience of life has demanded of me a discipline. I have eight children. I have eight grand children. I have had the experience o f attending many, many births. The constitution I talk about above is about one child.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Banking Corruption by Central Bank of Ireland

Well the Central Bank of Ireland confirm that Irish Banks are only beaten by Greek banks in refusing to be banks. Banks are for lending. For economic health of a countries financial well being. Not Irish banks. They are for PROFIT. They are for creating Fat Cats who run off to USA with bank funds. They are for creating millionaires from their own employees. They are for themselves. I wrote a Blog in May 2010 called the Banking Solution. That Solution still applies today. It applied yesterday. It will apply tomorrow, next month, next year and in 2020. www. manifesto151051.blogspot.co.uk The Banking Solution.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Billionaires, the Camel and the Needle's Eye

Interesting article in the Sunday Independent by Louise McBride about billionaires paying only an average of €1.25 million in tax in 2011. The top 450 wealthy of Ireland have money and assets of €22.5 billion between them. The Social Welfare bill for 2011/2012 is expected to come to €21 billion. Which means these 450 persons have enough wealth to pay the entire Child Benefit bill of this country, the entire State Pension of this country, the entire Illness Benefit of this country, the entire Carers Allowance of this country, the entire Unemployment Benefit of 450,000 people of this country, the entire Disability Allowances and Invalidity Pensions of this country. And many other benefit's and allowances paid by the Department of Social Protection. In fact those 450 people have the capacity through their wealth to provide the entire income of 2.5 million people in Ireland for one year. Such a gross obscenity this is. 450 obscenities walking around on two legs. What makes it more obscene is that there are young homeless children lying on the streets of Dublin and other cities and towns of this country. There are elderly people frightened to turn on heating in their homes for fear of running out of electricity. There are hundreds of elderly patients lying on hospital trolleys because of lack of funding from billionaires. There are children fainting in classrooms because their parents can't afford breakfast for them out of Social Welfare payments.

I am not a religious person but I do recall a very important lesson in school about the rich man finding it harder to get into heaven than a Camel would find it walking through the eye of a needle. I wonder does Father Brian D'Arcy recall teaching that parable to young children in church or RE classes? I have great respect for Father D'Arcy but does he agree that being a billionaire in today's economic climate is an obscenity? If he does he must get up on his pulpit next Sunday, or on his Sunday World column and tell all billionaires that they must give up at least €3/4 of a billion and follow Christ. And Cardinal Brady should be doing the same. They either believe in the Bible and should preach and practise it or go follow and be a billionaire themselves. 

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Ireland Vote For Constitutional Austerity

I've had to take four days to try to compose myself before adding to my blog the decision of my country and my country's people to vote to amend our Constitution in favour of harming one section of Irish Society. The poor. The Vulnerable. The sick. Children. Blind widows. Pensioners. Unemployed people. Low paid. Immigrants. Foreigners. Black people. Disabled. Disabled Children. Because WE voted to harm all these people I decided not to answer that decision on Thursday night because I would  have been banned from Twitter Facebook. You all know why I would have been banned from Twitter & Facebook. Because ALL people who voted yes voted to HARM all of the above. And I would have used horrible language  to describe Yes voters. I would have been right. I am not going to abuse YES voters. I do not need to. They will feel the guilt for what they have done when one of their children is dumped on the dole or committs suicide because of hard times caused by the austerity programme. One consolation we have in this horrific situation we find ourselves is that only 27.5% of the Irish electorate voted to harm their fellow citizen. Whether it was out of fear of cash points closing or Social Welfare being stopped as suggested by the Fianna Fail/Fine Gael Coalition or if it was selfishness of holding what they have at all costs and to hell or Connaught with the poor of Ireland. Many will be puzzled when they see my figure of a YES vote of 27.5%. Well 50% of the electorate abstained from voting in the Austerity Referendum. Most probably abstained because of confusion. Whatever the reason they did not give their consent to the Government to use fiscal mechanisms to harm primary school children or elderly women on hospital trolleys. They may have abstained but they will be heard eventually. All the billionaires and millionaires living here or abroad will have voted a massive YES because they urgently need the Fianna Fail/Fine Gael Coalition Government to hold the line on fiscal rectitude. If the Government were to give in to the NO voters, billionaires in Ireland might well have to pay tax towards the Childrens Hospital which will hopefully treat children with dignity who suffer from Cystic Fibrosis, who now share wards with elderly patients who may well pass on infections that will cause their death. Or Children's Cancer which is expensive. Any of the 300 billionaires registered as living in Ireland  or claiming Irish citizenship could alone and individually pay for the entire cancer programme of childrens cancer on the Island of Ireland. It would not need Government intervention. It would not need the HSE north or south. I heard a comment by Miriam O'Callaghan on Prime Time tonight when she questioned a Sinn Fein TD Eamon McGlaughlin and claimed Gerry Adams position as President of Sinn Fein was like the political structure in Cuba! Gerry Adams should be so proud of that allegation. What exactly was the SDLP candidate Miriam O'Callaghan getting at?

In Cuba it is difficult to get a bus. Most people cannot afford a car. They don't have the obsenity of people competing in December 2012 for a 2013 BMW number plate. Yes Miriam an obscenity. Your Wealth is OBSCENE! But in Havana Miriam O'Callaghan would be very safe. Cuba would not need Miriams money. All of Miriam O'Callaghans nine children would be cared  for free of charge. Because Miriam Cuba respects ALL children. Not just the children of the wealthy like Joe Duffy, Pat Kenny, Gay Byrne, Irish Independent & ALL RTE broadcasters. RTE are the greatest obstacle to Ireland's fiscal freedom. Those I have named above are activley involved in preventing the freedom of Ireland. The Freedom of Ireland does not mean the downfall of RTE. It means Pat Kenny is not as valuable as a student nurse volunteering to care for a child dying of cancer in a hospice for kids in Newtownabbey Belfast. Pat Kenny you are a useless Prick on the Island of Ireland. You are paid in monetary terms €635,000 annually. A banker who you probably knock about with every day is in receipt of up to €2,000,000 annually. I Toni Manifesto want to revalue your job. In fact to complete the fairness and morality of the need or justification of Pat Kenny as an entity or contribution towards Irish society I want to downgrade you. You should be paid slightly less than an illegal immigrant from Nigeria who is today cleaning  the floors of several banks in Dublin City Centre. Ireland should have more respect for those illegal workers than they have for you Pat Kenny.

Now that I have said that Pat, do someting positive. Give one million Euro to REAL poor people in the centre of Dublin. Directly to St. Vincent De Paul.   

Monday, 12 March 2012

€100 Billion of Wealth in the Hands of 32K People

The Sunday Independent reported €62.4 billion in the hands of 300 people in Ireland yesterday. If one adds the 31,762 millionaires as reported on TV3's Vincent Browne by the Irish Times' Fintan O'Toole then it should be relatively easy to pay off the countries debts. A 5% levy per year for five years on that €100 billion and perhaps a 3% levy on all the half millionaires would bring in €25 to €30 billion. It wouldn't hurt the wealthy and it would save a lot of money to the exchequer chasing blind widows for €10. Or households for €100. Is that a bit simple for Enda to get his head around? Or is he just in love with millionaires? 

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Irish Constitution is a New Born Baby continued

In order to rectify the gross inequities and injustice in our society the wealth and income of Ireland must be distributed more equally. Now, sceptics reading this will expect me to come off with some mad rant about asking to be invaded by Cuba, which I probably would welcome to be truthful. But no, in order to address the mass poverty created by two governments, banks and billionaire/millionaire developers, this country needs to find a compromise between Capitalism and Socialism. By the way a Fine Gael Labour Government is not a compromise between Capitalism and Socialism. The Fine Gael Labour Coalition is 97% Capitalism. The solution is similar to what applies to 70% of the population now. There is a minimum wage in Ireland. There should be a maximum wage to address that most glaring inequity.

However the main way to address inequality in wealth is to put a Cap on wealth itself. This will be difficult when one considers that 7% of our population own all or most of the wealth in Ireland and therefore control politics and politicians. Today The Irish Independent, one of the main wealth instruments of the media in Ireland published Ireland's Rich List 2012. It may not be accurate as the Sunday Independent is owned and controlled by one of the wealthiest people on earth. But Nick Webb, the Independents business Editor states that the richest people in Ireland have almost the same amount of wealth as the Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, Labour Coalition and their wealthy supporters have. €62.2 billion.  Wealthy people are 10% more wealthy in 2012 than they were in 2011. The poor people of Ireland are 38.2% less well off than in 2011. An elderly blind widow has had 18.6% of her income stolen from her in the last 10 months. That money has been transferred directly in cash to Anglo Irish Bank Bond Holders and other Irish Billionaires and Millionaires and rich people and Politicians. In an earlier Blog I asked the question if Al Quedia had benifited from Ireland's involvement in the international finance markets and more important Anglo Irish Bank. I repeat that question. Because I did not get an answer the last time. I am still suspicious when no-one replies to me. They don't say NO we are not involved in terrorism. We are not, as a country, as an Independent State, The Republic of Ireland, paying Bond Holders who are Al Quedi. Enda Kenny was asked directly if the Irish Government were paying €3.1 billion to Bond Holders who he cannot identify.

The headline of this blog is dedicated to a New Born Baby. My new born baby is born or transferred between Temple Street, Crumlin, Coombe, or some emergency service in Dublin. Why is it ALWAYS Dublin? Because it's a population area that ignores Ireland. However what I really want to talk about is a Cap on wealth, a Cap on Billionaires, a Cap on Millionaires. Today's Rich List shows that not one single baby ever needs to be in danger because of a shortage of funding on the Island of Ireland. But Crumlin Children's Hospital pays cash to advertise for private funds on RTE Radio several times per day. They PLEAD to the general public to help fund new born infants and young children for emergency treatment for aggressive cancer conditions and serious heart operations. Why? Why is a hospital in Dublin advertising on a National Broadcasting Service for help to carry out emergency procedures on tiny new born babies or Paediatric Cancer operations and services? And 300 people on the Island of Ireland share €62.2 billion. I really need to repeat that so that I can emphasise how extremely gross it is. It is GROSS! Really Really Really gross! What is the most gross thing that can happen to any human being? I'm going to answer that. I think it is being abused as a child. Has a very rich person ever been sexually abused as a child? No. I will repeat this over and over and over again. Being a billionaire is being a child sex abuser. Because somewhere along the line you did not notice the Mater Hospital or the Crumlin Hospital. I had a baby there by the way so don't think I don't know what I'm talking about!!! Each and every Billionaire and each and every millionaire who might read this, (unlikely because they will pay someone to read it for them) was and is directly involved, was or is directly responsible for all the poverty in Ireland and ALL the Child Sexual Abuse in Ireland.

The most important thing is to to re-distribute the wealth of  Mistry to Clarke. To prevent the suffering of babies and grannies. A one year 50% levy on everyone who has income or assetts above €500,000 on the Island of Ireland. That would actually pay the entire debts of Ireland for the last 8 years and pay a nice sum towards all the Special Needs Kids (2,000) for the next three years. And not one rich person would be inconvenienced.    

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Irish Constitution is a New Born Baby

This blog tonight is in response to my brother who lives in England. My brother is a committed Capitalist. Believes in the freedom of anyone to make money in any way as long as they are not involved in crime under present legislation. I repeat that. Under present legislation. If I were a legislator being a Billionaire would be a very serious crime. So long as a Child in any hospital in Ireland was/is in danger of serious injury or death because of lack of funding then Billionairism was responsible directly for that child's death or injury. So each and every Billionaire in my opinion is no different than any other Criminal on the streets of Dublin, Cork, Galway, Belfast. And is responsible personally for each and every crime created because of poverty.

I want to explain why I called this blog a New Born Baby. I have personal experience of new born babies who were struggling for life when they were born. I have a 24 year old child who beat the odds. But my main point in writing this blog tonight is to emphasise that we Irish people claim to be Educated. We whinge because our kids are being exported to Canada Australia! When I spoke to my brother today we differed in opinion. He is a capitalist and I'm a committed Socialist. He earns like €000000 and I sponge off the state cos I can't work cos I'm a bit ill.
To be continued!

Monday, 20 February 2012

I Got the Chineese Connection Right!

Scroll down the pages till you come to Sunday 28th November 2010 and read my title "Ireland's Budget 2011 Continued". As the Vice President of China leaves our shores today to head for Turkey it would appear that someone in high places has been following my blog and possibly taking my proposals re the EU, China and international trade on board. I should have copy righted the blog so they couldn't steal my ideas. But I hope they do. I say again, we needed the EC in 1972. We do not need the EU in 2012. We need China, Pakistan and India and maybe the middle east as our main trading partners. Take a look at my 2010 predictions. It would raise an eyebrow now in Beijing. And maybe raise a few questions for Enda Kenny.