Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Ireland Vote For Constitutional Austerity

I've had to take four days to try to compose myself before adding to my blog the decision of my country and my country's people to vote to amend our Constitution in favour of harming one section of Irish Society. The poor. The Vulnerable. The sick. Children. Blind widows. Pensioners. Unemployed people. Low paid. Immigrants. Foreigners. Black people. Disabled. Disabled Children. Because WE voted to harm all these people I decided not to answer that decision on Thursday night because I would  have been banned from Twitter Facebook. You all know why I would have been banned from Twitter & Facebook. Because ALL people who voted yes voted to HARM all of the above. And I would have used horrible language  to describe Yes voters. I would have been right. I am not going to abuse YES voters. I do not need to. They will feel the guilt for what they have done when one of their children is dumped on the dole or committs suicide because of hard times caused by the austerity programme. One consolation we have in this horrific situation we find ourselves is that only 27.5% of the Irish electorate voted to harm their fellow citizen. Whether it was out of fear of cash points closing or Social Welfare being stopped as suggested by the Fianna Fail/Fine Gael Coalition or if it was selfishness of holding what they have at all costs and to hell or Connaught with the poor of Ireland. Many will be puzzled when they see my figure of a YES vote of 27.5%. Well 50% of the electorate abstained from voting in the Austerity Referendum. Most probably abstained because of confusion. Whatever the reason they did not give their consent to the Government to use fiscal mechanisms to harm primary school children or elderly women on hospital trolleys. They may have abstained but they will be heard eventually. All the billionaires and millionaires living here or abroad will have voted a massive YES because they urgently need the Fianna Fail/Fine Gael Coalition Government to hold the line on fiscal rectitude. If the Government were to give in to the NO voters, billionaires in Ireland might well have to pay tax towards the Childrens Hospital which will hopefully treat children with dignity who suffer from Cystic Fibrosis, who now share wards with elderly patients who may well pass on infections that will cause their death. Or Children's Cancer which is expensive. Any of the 300 billionaires registered as living in Ireland  or claiming Irish citizenship could alone and individually pay for the entire cancer programme of childrens cancer on the Island of Ireland. It would not need Government intervention. It would not need the HSE north or south. I heard a comment by Miriam O'Callaghan on Prime Time tonight when she questioned a Sinn Fein TD Eamon McGlaughlin and claimed Gerry Adams position as President of Sinn Fein was like the political structure in Cuba! Gerry Adams should be so proud of that allegation. What exactly was the SDLP candidate Miriam O'Callaghan getting at?

In Cuba it is difficult to get a bus. Most people cannot afford a car. They don't have the obsenity of people competing in December 2012 for a 2013 BMW number plate. Yes Miriam an obscenity. Your Wealth is OBSCENE! But in Havana Miriam O'Callaghan would be very safe. Cuba would not need Miriams money. All of Miriam O'Callaghans nine children would be cared  for free of charge. Because Miriam Cuba respects ALL children. Not just the children of the wealthy like Joe Duffy, Pat Kenny, Gay Byrne, Irish Independent & ALL RTE broadcasters. RTE are the greatest obstacle to Ireland's fiscal freedom. Those I have named above are activley involved in preventing the freedom of Ireland. The Freedom of Ireland does not mean the downfall of RTE. It means Pat Kenny is not as valuable as a student nurse volunteering to care for a child dying of cancer in a hospice for kids in Newtownabbey Belfast. Pat Kenny you are a useless Prick on the Island of Ireland. You are paid in monetary terms €635,000 annually. A banker who you probably knock about with every day is in receipt of up to €2,000,000 annually. I Toni Manifesto want to revalue your job. In fact to complete the fairness and morality of the need or justification of Pat Kenny as an entity or contribution towards Irish society I want to downgrade you. You should be paid slightly less than an illegal immigrant from Nigeria who is today cleaning  the floors of several banks in Dublin City Centre. Ireland should have more respect for those illegal workers than they have for you Pat Kenny.

Now that I have said that Pat, do someting positive. Give one million Euro to REAL poor people in the centre of Dublin. Directly to St. Vincent De Paul.   

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